There are some financial resources available that may be of assistance! Please note- funding often requires individuals to apply and/or qualify. A limited list of resources are provided below to facilitate your research into options!


We understand that costs can add up from accrued copays and large deductibles! Payment plans may be considered and offered on a case-by-case basis. Please understand that payments plans are only approved on occasion due to unique extenuating circumstances, and if provided, is done so as a courtesy; such agreements include very specific and stringent guidelines and timelines that MUST be abided by. Please contact the billing department at (904) 366-9868 (via call or text) or via email at to determine if a payment plan is an option for you! Details regarding payment plan terms can be found in the attached document below. If you are granted a payment plan, the billing specialist will complete the details of the payment plan contract and send it to you for review, completion, and signature. Please DO NOT complete the form below on your own as submission for a payment plan - this is only provided below as an example for your information.