How did you find out about our agency/ who referred you?
Child's Name
First Name
Last Name
Child's Date of Birth
The name of the person completing this form
First Name
Last Name
Are you the child's parent/do you have legal guardianship/power of attorney/custodianship of the child?
PLEASE NOTE - Only the child's legal guardian/ parent may schedule an initial intake interview/ appointment. If parents are not married, the custody agreement MUST be provided at intake; all legal guardians must consent to services
No* (If no, do not proceed any further)
Phone Number
By providing your number, you consent to receive phone calls, voicemails, and text messages.
The number above:
Is a cell phone and may receive text messages
Is a NOT a cell phone and cannot receive text messages
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Please select which insurance you will be using
*ALERT* If an insurance is NOT LISTED below, we DO NOT HAVE IN-NETWORK PROVIDERS for the plan. We are NOT IN NETWORK FOR ANY MEDICAID plans. CANNOT ACCEPT plan. It is your responsibility to ensure our providers are in network with your plan, if using insurance; please visit our FAQ for more details!
NONE - I will be paying out of pocket
Aetna (Commercial plans only, ID # starts with W; we are not in network for 'Better Health'/ Medicaid plans)
Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) *PLEASE NOTE* - providers may be able to accept some BCBS plans but not others
Insurance ID #/ Tricare Sponsor ID or Benefits #
Phone number listed on your insurance card:
Are you seeking TESTING? (e.g., Gifted [IQ] testing, Diagnostic evaluations for Autism, ADHD, learning disorders, etc.)
Please review our FAQ and ASSESSMENT webpages to better understand insurance requirements and limitations with testing services and the potential costs involved.
I am not sure
Yes - I will provide more details below about the testing I am seeking and/or diagnostic concerns
Are you seeking ABA THERAPY?
*ABA is ONLY covered by insurance under the diagnosis of AUTISM- a copy of the diagnostic evaluation MUST be provided* Please review our FAQ and ABA webpages to better understand insurance requirements and exclusions related to ABA; contact your insurance company for details about your plan's policy for ABA coverage and cost.
I am not sure
Yes - my child has a DIAGNOSIS OF AUTISM and I understand my insurance plan's coverage and cost involved for ABA
Are you seeking COUNSELING/ THERAPY?
Please review our FAQ and THERAPY webpages to better understand the types of therapy services we provide, including: individual counseling, family therapy, behavior therapy, parent training, CBT, PCIT, etc.
I am not sure
Yes - I will provide more details below about the type of therapy/counseling I am seeking and current presenting concerns
Is your child currently receiving services from other providers? If yes, please specify which.
Please check ALL that apply. This information is necessary to prevent potential duplication of services and for continuation of care.
My child is not receiving any other services at this time.
ABA Therapy
Counseling/Mental Health Therapy
Psychological Testing
Psychiatric/ Medication Management Services
Speech/ Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, &/or Physical Therapy
Services through the School System (IEP/ 504)
Other (describe below)
Does your child's case include potential involvement with the court or legal system? (e.g., divorce proceedings, child custody, DCF involvement, lawsuit, etc.)?
We DO NOT provide services or documentation for any court or legal purposes!
Yes, my case currently does/ likely may have some court or legal aspect (describe below)
No, I attest that my case does not/will not involve any legal or court involvement
Please describe the services you are seeking and/or explain the concerns that you would like our services to address.
Please provide AS MANY relevant details as you feel comfortable, as this will help to best guide us in how to direct your case!
Thank you for submitting your new client inquiry!
Please expect a reply from the intake coordinator VIA EMAIL within 2 to 5 business days . We encourage you to check your ‘junk’ folder if you do not see a message within this timeframe. You may also reach out via email any time at INFO@BEACONPEDIATRIC.COM .
Prior to scheduling, please ensure that you have read and understand the information on our FAQ pages regarding the intake process and details about the services you are seeking, insurance coverage, potential cost, provider availability, and the different types of providers that we have on staff at Beacon.
Thank you so much!